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1931 - 1945 Initial years of Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall


1931: Founded by craftsmen

On 16 May, Cologne craftsmen lay the foundations for what is today Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall. In cooperation with the “Wirtschaftsstelle für den Handwerkskammerbezirk Köln eG“ they establish the "Deutscher Bausparer AG, Bau-, Spar- und Entschul-dungskasse". The first company logo already shows the bricks which are still today a central element of the brand.

1932: All beginnings are difficult

The „Reichsaufsichtsamt” initiates a legal verification which will considerably restrict the number of Bausparkassen (Contractual Savings for Housing companies). Only those companies which work under competent guidance with tariffs which are mathematically well-founded and with crisis-resistant business plans are allowed to continue their business activities. The Deutscher Bausparer AG passes this exam at its best. At year-end it administers already 717 contracts.

1934: Moving to Berlin

The company closely cooperates with the "Treubau Aktiengesellschaft für Baufinanzierungen im Deutschen Reiche" in Berlin and thus in 1934 moves its head-quarters to the capital’s Treubau-Haus. Very soon the Treubau AG becomes the sole shareholder. Since 1936, the Bausparkasse is called „Gesellschaft für zweitstelligen Grundkredit, Deutscher Bausparer Aktiengesellschaft“.

1934: Fundament of state-of-the-art Bausparen

With the new “Savings plan F“, the institute concen-trates as one of the first Bausparkassen on granting the second mortgage – a cost-efficient lower-ranking financing with stable interest rates by means of which the waiting period for builders can be significantly shortened. Now, the Bausparkasse arranges the 1st mortgage with the acquainted cooperative banking institutes. In 1938 this new distribution of tasks will become binding for all Bausparkassen.

1941: Bausparkasse of Volksbanks

Their close cooperation with the loan cooperatives leads to the fact that the German Volksbanks take a share in the capital of the Bausparkasse. As of April, the company’s name is "Bausparkasse der deutschen Volksbanken, Aktiengesellschaft“ (BdV). The new business strongly increases: In 1941 new contracts amounting to 16 million Reichsmark are signed.

1944: Moving to Schwäbisch Hall

After destruction of the Treubau-Haus by bombing, the Bausparkasse moves its company headquarters to Southern Germany where it has contacts to the ‘Südunion Bausparkasse Stuttgart’. The small town of Schwäbisch Hall is chosen: it did not suffer big damage during the war-time. The town council is very cooperative towards the Bausparkasse with its 28 staff. (Picture by courtesy of town archives Schwäbisch Hall)

1946-1989: New beginning in Schwäbisch Hall


1946: New living space for millions of people

During World War II, large parts of the population lost their home; on the territory of the future Federal Republic there is a lack of about five million homes. For the Bausparkasse the following years are characterized by restarting the Bauspar business. The customers have to be tracked tediously, difficult circumstances as far as the premises are concerned and lack of paper are factors which hamper work. At year-end the Bausparkasse administers 12,697 contracts.

1947: New beginning in Schwäbisch Hall

The General Annual meeting also formally decides to transfer the company headquarters to Schwäbisch Hall. The company’s name is extended accordingly: "Bausparkasse der deutschen Volksbanken Aktiengesellschaft, Schwäbisch Hall". During the times of reconstruction and after the currency reform in 1948, Bausparen boosts.

1952: Governmental subsidy for Bauspar customers

The new Law on Housing Subsidy supplements the governmental Bauspar subsidy. Now, direct premiums are paid for Bauspar contributions.

1956: Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall AG

Subsequent to the Volksbanks the Raiffeisen-Zentralkassen take a share in the capital of the Bausparkasse. The company’s name is now: "Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall AG, Bausparkasse der Volksbanken und Raiffeisenkassen". 544 staff move into the new company building at Crailsheimer Straße.

1962: Setting up the brand

Since 1956 the company makes advertising with its catchy logo, i.e. the four bricks to which is added the slogan “Auf diese Steine können Sie bauen” (These are the bricks on which you can build with confidence.). Since that time, the slogan accompanies the advertising campaign of Schwäbisch Hall thus putting in a nutshell what the four bricks already convey: Security, confidence, competency and reliability.

1964: Dawn into the computer age

Since the end of the fifties already, the Bausparkasse has been working with the card system. In the mid-sixties, electronic data processing replaces machine processing: The first IBM 360 with a memory capacity of 65,536 bytes is put into operation.

Mitte der sechziger Jahre löst die elektronische Datenverarbeitung das maschinelle Arbeiten ab

1969: Schwäbisch Hall is market leader

The new business of the Bausparkasse develops to become above-average. With about 273,000 newly signed contracts totalling a Bauspar sum of DM 6.1 billion Schwäbisch Hall takes the sector’s lead for the first time. In the same year, the contract inventory goes beyond the one million mark.

1970: Present company name

Since 1970 the company’s name is: "Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall AG, Bausparkasse der Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken".

1975: Enter the Fox

At year-end Schwäbisch Hall’s advertising surprises TV viewers and readers with an uncommon motive. The clever Bauspar fox soon develops to be the well-liked symbol and becomes an important element of the brand. In the following year, Schwäbisch Hall is the Bausparkasse with the highest number of contracts: The company now administers more than 2.8 million Bauspar contracts.

1984: Music makes everything go better

The composer Günther-Eric Thöner sets the slogan "Auf diese Steine können Sie bauen" (These are the bricks on which you can build with confidence.) to music. Since that time, this jingle accompanies the Schwäbisch Hall commercials.

Der Komponist Günther-Eric Thöner vertont den Slogan "Auf diese Steine können Sie bauen". Dieser Jingle begleitet seither die Schwäbisch Hall-Werbespots.

1990-until today: Schwäbisch Hall on a growth curve on the international markets as well


1990: Start in the new federal Länder

As the first Bausparkasse in Western Germany, Schwäbisch Hall takes up its business activities in the five new federal Länder after the fall of the Wall. The number of staff rises to more than 3,000 in-house staff and about 1,500 field sales staff.

1991: With Bausparen towards Europe

Due to the amendment of the German Law on Bausparkassen, the Contractual Savings for Housing companies get for the first time the possibility to establish investment companies abroad. In the same year, Schwäbisch Hall starts with a branch in Luxembourg. As the first Bausparkasse in Germany, in 1992 Schwäbisch Hall founds a subsidiary company in Slovakia: the “Erste Bausparkasse, Prvá stavebná sporitel’ňa, a. s. (PSS)”. In 1993 follows another joint venture in the Czech Republic: the “Böhmisch-Mährische Bausparkasse, Českomoravská stavební spořitelna (ČMSS)”. In 1997 Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall starts with a subsidiary company which is today called “Fundamenta-Lakáskassza Lakás-takarékpénztár Rt. (FLK)”.

1994: Schwäbisch Hall Training GmbH

In June, the Bausparkasse establishes Schwäbisch Hall Training GmbH. The subsidiary assists the Bausparkasse with training activities in sales and human resources development.

2000: Start of the “Kreditfabrik” (loan factory)

Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall and Deutsche Genossenschafts-Hypothekenbank establish VR
Kreditwerk AG. The company provides processing and consulting services for the companies
of the co-operative financial network as well as for a series of cooperative banks.

2002: Facility Management and Catering

As of 1 January, Schwäbisch Hall Facility Management GmbH starts its business activity. Since 2005 the Dussmann-Group, a top-ranking company in the sector, has a stake in the Schwäbisch Hall subsidiary. The company provides services in the facility manage-ment and catering segments among others. Customers are the Bausparkasse and other companies in the region.

2004: Bausparen in the “Middle Kingdom”

For the first time, Bausparen goes beyond the borders of Europe. At the beginning of the year, Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall establishes in China a joint venture with China Construction Bank Corporation. The Sino-German Bausparkasse (SGB) is the first international financial services provider of that kind which is able to offer its Chinese customers construction financing in local currency. In June 2004, Raiffeisen Banca pentru Locuinţe (RBL) is launched. Via its market entry
in Romania Schwäbisch Hall succeeds again to implement as first Bausparkasse the Bauspar business in another Eastern European country.

2011: 80 years of Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall

On 16 May, the Bausparkasse celebrates its company jubilee looking back on its eventful and successful history. Since its beginning the company closely works together with cooperative lending and credit institutes. Thus, Schwäbisch Hall is a firm partner in the network of the cooperative financial group. Today, Schwäbisch Hall is a reliable partner for accompanying 6.7 million customers on their way into their own four walls.

Seit 80 Jahren kooperiert das Unternehmen eng mit genossenschaftlichen Geld- und Kreditinstituten. Schwäbisch Hall ist so ein fester Partner im Netzwerk der genossenschaftlichen FinanzGruppe.

2012: Kreditwerk changes its name into Schwäbisch Hall Kreditservice AG

Since April, VR Kreditwerk AG is named Schwäbisch Hall Kreditservice AG. The renaming
underlines the unity in the Schwäbisch Hall-Group. This solidarity is illustrated by the new logo of Kreditservice AG which shows the four bricks that are typical for Schwäbisch Hall.

2019: ČSOB (KBC Group) becomes the sole owner of Czech building savings bank ČMSS after acquiring the 45% stake held by Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall